Is Dillard’s Pet-Friendly? Are Dogs Allowed in Dillard’s?

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Written By Ramis Kalkan

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Pet owners often face the dilemma of whether or not they can take their furry pals with them while shopping. As a popular department store, Dillard’s is a go-to destination for many shoppers, but are pets allowed? In this article, we will explore Dillard’s pet policy, compare it to other retailers, and provide tips for shopping with pets. Additionally, we will discuss alternatives for pet owners who prefer not to leave their pets at home and advocate for pet-friendly policies in retail spaces.

Understanding Dillard’s Pet Policy

Dillard’s official pet policy prohibits pets in their stores, except for service animals that are individually trained to perform tasks for people with disabilities. These animals are permitted to enter the store with their owners. Dillard’s defines service animals as dogs that are trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities, such as guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, or alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure. The store does not allow emotional support animals or pets in general to accompany their owners.

Official Pet Policy at Dillard’s

Dillard’s pet policy clearly states that pets are not allowed in their stores, except for service animals. The policy also states that service animals must be under the control of their owners at all times while in the store. Owners are responsible for ensuring that their service animals do not disrupt the store’s operations or other customers’ shopping experiences. Dillard’s reserves the right to ask owners to remove any service animals that are not under control or that are creating a disturbance.


It is important to note that while Dillard’s does not allow pets in their stores, they do welcome service animals. This is because service animals are specially trained to assist people with disabilities and are necessary for their owners to navigate the world. By allowing service animals in their stores, Dillard’s is helping to ensure that people with disabilities have access to the same shopping experiences as everyone else.

Exceptions and Accommodations for Service Animals

Dillard’s service animal policy is in line with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which guarantees individuals with disabilities the right to bring service animals into public places. According to the ADA, service animals are not required to wear vests or have specific identification, but owners may be asked to verify that their dog is a service animal if it is not apparent that the dog is trained to do work or perform tasks. The law prohibits businesses from asking for details about a person’s disability or requiring medical documentation.

It is important for businesses like Dillard’s to accommodate service animals because they are essential for their owners to live their lives independently. Service animals provide a range of services, from guiding people who are blind to alerting people who are deaf to the presence of sounds. By allowing service animals in their stores, Dillard’s is helping to ensure that people with disabilities have access to the same shopping experiences as everyone else.


Overall, Dillard’s pet policy is designed to ensure that all customers have a positive shopping experience. While pets are not allowed in their stores, service animals are welcome. Dillard’s recognizes the important role that service animals play in the lives of people with disabilities and is committed to accommodating them in their stores.

Comparing Dillard’s to Other Retailers

Dillard’s pet policy is not exceptional in the retail industry. Most department stores, grocery stores, and other retailers do not allow pets, except for service animals. However, some retailers have pet-friendly policies that allow pets in their stores or on their premises.

Pet-Friendly Retailers

While Dillard’s may not allow pets in their stores, there are retailers that have gone above and beyond to make their stores pet-friendly. For example, Petco and PetSmart welcome all pets, provided they are on a leash or in a carrier. These stores even offer pet grooming services, training classes, and adoption events. Outdoor retailers like REI and Bass Pro Shops have also embraced pet-friendly policies that allow dogs to accompany their owners while hiking or exploring the great outdoors. These retailers understand the importance of pets in their customers’ lives and have made accommodations to ensure that pets can be a part of their shopping experience.


Retailers with Strict No-Pet Policies

While some retailers have embraced pet-friendly policies, others have strict no-pet policies that prohibit pets in their stores or on their premises, even if they are on a leash or in a carrier. Examples of these retailers include Walmart, Target, and Macy’s. These retailers have cited safety and health concerns as the primary reasons for their no-pet policies. While some customers may be disappointed by these policies, it’s important to remember that retailers have a responsibility to provide a safe and healthy shopping environment for all customers, including those with allergies or fears of animals.

It’s also worth noting that some retailers may have different pet policies depending on the location. For example, a Target store in a pet-friendly neighborhood may allow pets, while a Target store in a busy urban area may not. It’s always a good idea to check with the retailer before bringing your pet along on a shopping trip.

RELATED: Are Dogs Allowed in Target


In conclusion, while Dillard’s may not allow pets in their stores, there are plenty of other retailers that do. Whether you’re shopping for pet supplies or just running errands with your furry friend, there are options available to you. It’s up to each individual retailer to decide on their pet policy, and customers should respect these policies while also advocating for pet-friendly options when possible.

Tips for Shopping with Your Pet

While Dillard’s does not allow pets in their stores, pet owners who wish to take their furry friends shopping can consider shopping at retailers with pet-friendly policies or exploring alternatives to in-store shopping. Here are some tips for shopping with pets:

Preparing Your Pet for a Shopping Trip

Before heading out to the mall or grocery store with your pet, it’s important to prepare them for the experience. Make sure they are well-behaved and comfortable around other people and animals. If your pet is anxious or easily excitable, consider taking them to a pet behaviorist to work on their socialization skills before attempting a shopping trip.


When preparing for your shopping trip, make sure to bring plenty of water and snacks for your furry friend. It’s important to keep them hydrated and fed throughout the day to prevent any health issues. Take them for a walk before entering the store to help them burn off excess energy and reduce the risk of them becoming restless or agitated while shopping.

Consider bringing a blanket or mat for your pet to lie on while you shop. This will provide them with a comfortable place to rest and help prevent them from getting tired or uncomfortable while you peruse the aisles.

Etiquette for Shopping with Pets

While shopping with pets, it’s important to respect the store’s policies and other customers’ experiences. Keep your pet on a leash or in a carrier at all times to prevent them from wandering off or getting into trouble. If your pet is small enough to be carried, consider using a pet sling or backpack carrier to keep them close and secure.

If your pet has an accident while shopping, be sure to clean it up promptly and thoroughly. Many stores provide cleaning supplies for this purpose, but it’s always a good idea to bring your own just in case.

Do not allow your pet to bark excessively or jump on other customers. This can be disruptive and make other shoppers uncomfortable. If your pet is prone to barking or jumping, consider leaving them at home or finding a pet sitter for the day.

Avoid bringing your pet into busy stores or during peak hours. This can be stressful for your pet and make it difficult for you to navigate the store. Instead, try to shop during off-peak hours when the store is less crowded and your pet is more likely to feel comfortable.

By following these tips, you can enjoy a fun and stress-free shopping experience with your furry friend!

Alternatives for Pet Owners

Pet owners who prefer not to leave their pets at home when running errands or shopping can consider exploring alternatives to in-store shopping. Pet-friendly shopping centers and online shopping options are great alternatives for pet owners who wish to avoid leaving their pets at home.

Pet-Friendly Shopping Centers

Some shopping centers have adopted pet-friendly policies that welcome pets in outdoor common areas or inside specific stores. These shopping centers often have pet waste stations and water fountains to accommodate furry visitors. Examples of pet-friendly shopping centers include The Grove in Los Angeles and The Domain in Austin.

Online Shopping Options for Pet Owners

Online shopping has become an attractive option for pet owners who prefer not to leave their pets at home. Many retailers, including Amazon and, offer free shipping and easy returns on pet supplies, food, and other essentials. Online shopping also eliminates the need for pets, particularly anxious or aggressive pets, to be exposed to unfamiliar environments.

Advocating for Pet-Friendly Policies

Pet-friendly policies in retail spaces benefit not only pet owners but also retailers. Pet owners are more likely to spend time and money in stores that welcome their furry friends, which can lead to increased foot traffic and sales for businesses. Additionally, studies have shown that pets can reduce stress and boost morale in the workplace. Pet-friendly policies align with consumer preferences for businesses that prioritize inclusivity and social responsibility.

The Benefits of Pet-Friendly Retail Spaces

Pet-friendly policies can create a welcoming and positive atmosphere for both pet owners and non-pet owners. They can increase customer loyalty and satisfaction, boost employee morale, and even attract new customers. Research has also shown that pets can reduce stress and anxiety, which can benefit employees and customers alike.

How to Encourage Retailers to Adopt Pet-Friendly Policies

If you believe that retailers should adopt pet-friendly policies, there are several things you can do. You can write to your local retailers and encourage them to update their pet policies, or you can start a petition to gather signatures from like-minded individuals. You can also support retailers with pet-friendly policies by patronizing their stores and leaving positive reviews online.


While Dillard’s does not allow pets in their stores, there are plenty of alternatives for pet owners who wish to take their furry friends with them shopping. From pet-friendly retailers and shopping centers to online shopping options, pet owners have several options for running errands without leaving their pets at home. By advocating for pet-friendly policies in retail spaces, we can create more inclusive and welcoming environments for both customers and employees.